Stories with action, adventure, horror, supernatural beings, romance, and fun stuff like that.
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J.T. blogs periodically. Although she should be blogging more often (according to her PR friends), she’d rather be working on her next story, since her characters are bugging the hell out of her. Seriously, the next cast of characters are extremely vocal and the placebo pills along with several glasses of Pinot Noir aren’t helping. These UltraAgents are a real pain in the head.
30+ Short Romances for 99¢
August 12, 2023
Next year, I’m branching out in to a new genre—contemporary romance. My short story will…
Romance Anthology to Feed the Soul (and more)
January 20, 2023
I joined with six other breakout authors for Love at Dawn, a romance anthology to…
A Writer’s Perspective
January 28, 2022
Author Miguelina Perez loves to support her fellow authors. She hosted a Lady Jane Salon in…
Join the Writer’s Block Party
January 27, 2022
I join The Writer’s Block Party Podcast to discuss the current state of indie publishing…