The Season for Giving
I want to use my post this month to talk about two of my favorite charities. One of which you can purchase yummy gifts to help out women in need—an extra bonus! Homaira Rahman Foundation (HRF) was started by my…
I want to use my post this month to talk about two of my favorite charities. One of which you can purchase yummy gifts to help out women in need—an extra bonus! Homaira Rahman Foundation (HRF) was started by my…
At the end of July I gave a presentation at the Romance Writers of America (RWA) Conference. Close to a hundred writers attended my workshop. It was the most people I'd ever taught without my co-presenter and co-creator, author, Kate…
July 16th is almost here, my fellow Game of Thrones fans. To whet your appetite for what the next adventure has in store, here are both official trailers. **squeal** Entertainment Weekly interviewed showrunners, Dan Weiss and David Benioff, on…
Readers, friends, and family have asked me where I get my ideas. How do I come up with these stories with crazy baddies who create serums that turn men into women or villains who can transform into giant cockroaches? Where…
This month's prize is for the ultra sci-fi romance fan. I’ve teamed up with more than 45 sci-fi romance authors to give away a huge collection of novels to 2 lucky winners, plus a Kindle Fire to the Grand Prize…
One of my favorite sites to gain insight into films is ScreenPrism. They do a fantastic job delving into themes of movies and dissecting their plots. Arrival was a mind bending film. So I was excited when the authors at…
Oh, the feels! I saw Favorite Fictional Couples trending on social media and it got me thinking about the ones I would choose. Immediately, I looked through books and movies on my shelves. Then I wrote a list, a very…
See how it all began! A Surefire Way, the first UltraSecurity book, is on sale for 99¢ until March 31st: Amazon Barnes & Noble iTunes Superpowers, demented gods, crystal skulls, action, and romance in a fun-filled adventure. “This was a…
Today is our 21st wedding anniversary. (Officially, our marriage is legal to drink in the U.S. :P) Over two decades ago, my husband Mike and I were married at the courthouse in Towson, Maryland. We couldn't afford a large wedding.…
HBO’s Westworld became my favorite new sci-fi show of 2016. It’s set in the future at an amusement park (Westworld) where guests can pretend they are in the Wild West by participating in gunfights, train heists, romantic entanglements, treasure hunts,…